Tuesday 10 March 2015

Stress Management

I took on too much this year. Not way too much, just a bit more than I should have, and at times it stretches me a bit thin. This causes some stress. Not a ton - I'm still staying on top of everything, I maintain some semblance of a social life and I do get to spend a fair bit of time at home with my significant other.

Stress management for me takes many forms, but the main one is just letting my brain sort through the dozens of thoughts in it. Sometimes this means some alone time, just bouncing ideas around. Sometimes this means discussing what's rattling around in my head with friends, family, colleagues, or even the dog (the dog is a very good listener when he's not stealing socks).

One of the main purposes of this blog is stress management. It lets me get those thoughts out without avoiding the world or overwhelming those around me. I find writing (well, typing) to be fairly relaxing as well. So, at times you'll see me writing about tiny, insignificant things that have little if anything to do with medicine. Sometimes I'll write diatribes about a very specific topic in health care. It all depends what's stuck up in my brain that needs to come out.

My hope is that between all these outpourings of random thoughts, there will be some useful bits for those reading, if there is anyone reading.

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