Friday 27 May 2016

Gord Downie

I'd be remiss to not mention the awful news announcing that Gord Downie has terminal brain cancer.

The Tragically Hip are one of those few bands that has been producing solid music for decades while being unabashedly Canadian. I have their compilation album which is 37 songs and I can honestly say there's not one song there I dislike. And that was released in 2005! They've kept making pretty good music since then.

I'm a bit on the older side for Medical School, but not that far on the older side, so I didn't start getting into half-decent music until well after The Hip's better-known hits were already a distant memory. The first album of their's I picked up was World Container, where I got caught up by its title song:

Anyway... just reflecting today on how cancer sucks, Canadian music is pretty awesome, and how it's worth enjoying the good things in life while we still can. I'll leave you with one of my favourite Hip songs - it seems appropriate this week.

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