Saturday 28 January 2017

CaRMS Touring

So my CaRMS tour has begun and is actually nearing an end. I've only got a single interview left. The Rank Order Lists are available and I've submitted my tentative list. (Side note - submitting a preliminary list is very much worthwhile, as no ROL means no match at all, while a bad ROL still gives you a chance at something. ROLs can always be changed, as I suspect my tentative list will be after I finish my last interview).

I obviously can't say much about the interviews themselves, but I will note that the preparation offered by official groups (my school, the CMA, CFMS) have all been quite helpful. I would highly recommend accessing as many available resources from official sources as possible and sticking to that available prep material seemed to be sufficient.

I say seemed to be sufficient because obviously I have no idea how well I did in my interviews. They seemed to go fairly well. They've been universally relaxed and conversational, which may be a factor of being Family Medicine interviews more than anything else. In my case, they've also been unbelievably quick, and I'm not quite sure what to make of that. I answered all the questions I was given reasonably thoroughly, my interviewers seemed happy enough with my answers, but the interviews have all felt like whirlwinds once they were done. It's impossible to know how well interviews went, so I'm just going to hope my speed was not a detriment to my evaluation.

In any case, I've got one last interview to show what I can bring to a residency program, a few weeks to finalize my ROL, and then a month to sit around and stress about the match results! Fun times ahead...

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