Saturday 11 June 2016

CV Writing

I'm currently putting together a draft of my CV for CaRMS. It's a very surreal experience. I know CVs don't matter that much for my matching chances, but it's going to matter a bit.

It's also my first real shot at a true CV. Sure, I've written resumes before, many times. I've even called them CVs in the past. However, they were all pretty short and pretty focused. There was no broad strokes about my past accomplishments over my entire life, in no small part because the productive part of my life was rather short.

Well, now I'm a bit older and I can actually say I've done some stuff. Important stuff! Well, sorta important stuff. Mildly interesting stuff, maybe? Stuff that'll help me be a better physician, at a minimum. Right now the challenge is sorting through what's important enough to include and what's not. There are definitely some experiences Program Directors won't care about, like my job in High School (even though I did get Employee of the Month once), or that one summer I thought I could golf (I couldn't). There are some more borderline experiences that I'm debating including, typically smaller experiences that are tangentially relevant to medicine. For example, do I put down a minor leadership role that really only took a dozen hours or so of my time and largely failed to accomplish anything of note? Do I include this blog? I'm not sure!

Whether or not to include an extensive "interests" section is also giving me pause. I'm finding this especially difficult in the depths of clerkship where it seems I don't have much time for my interests, short of the easy ones like watching Netflix while pretending to study and checking hockey scores on my phone during downtime at the hospital.

Anyway, despite all the hand-wringing, it's fun to see my past work in full and makes me feel very adult, almost like a real professional. Hope Program Directors feel the same way come CaRMS time...

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