Wednesday 13 January 2016

Electives - Classmates Edition

We're rounding towards the half-way point of third year, which means it's crunch time for specialty choice. At my school, our first real "deadline" for setting us on our paths is on Friday, when some of our home-school elective choices are due.

While I've been wrapped up a bit in my own approach to electives and specialty choice, it's been interesting to hear from my classmates, who are all going through the same thing. There are a lot of different strategies to choosing electives, as well as a number of thought processes to picking a desired specialty. If history is any guide, most (though not all) of these strategies will work. It's a helpful reminder that there's no one "right" approach to electives.

I'm also just interested in seeing where all my classmates end up. There's a pretty wide variety of personalities in the class, plus wildly divergent interests, but it's still a guessing game as to where any particular person will ultimately fit. It's definitely true that people change their minds in clerkship - while some people have been consistent, many more have switched their goals, some dramatically so. Even as we settle into the home stretch of choosing specialties, there's still room for change, and I'm finding the rationale behind those changes quite intriguing. Really wish I had a crystal ball to see how it all ends up for my class!

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