Thursday 14 July 2016

Pokemon Go

So... Pokemon Go is pretty popular. A good portion of my class is already hooked, as are a few attendings. I tried to resist, gave in, deleted the app, caved again a few hours later and am now officially hooked as well.

I've seen so many people walking around semi-aimlessly playing this game. It's great, because a lot of people are getting some extra exercise. However, it's only a short amount of time before someone kills themselves playing this game, probably by stepping in front of a car, or crashing one themselves.

It's been a huge advantage for me to have a dog while playing Pokemon Go. Guy walking around a neighbourhood aimlessly while constantly looking at his phone? Weird at best, suspicious for something nefarious at worst. Guy walking around a neighbourhood aimlessly while constantly looking at his phone with a dog? Totally acceptable!

Kinda interested to see the evolution of this medium - Go is a pretty simple game all things considered, there's lots of potential for refinement. Social implications here are significant too. As much as the internet has shaped how we interact with and perceived each other, more sophisticated augmented reality products could drastically alter how we view the world and each other.

For now though, I'm going to keep hunting the Squirtle that hangs out near my house!

1 comment:

  1. The game took the world by storm, it was as if one day everyone became a pokemon fan. It's interesting how it's really managed to increase interactions with other people & increase exercise/fitness -things people don't normally associate with 'virtual games'.
