Wednesday 12 August 2015

Get Some Exercise!

I put on a good 20 lbs this year, mostly due to declining activity and a worsening diet. I've started (slowly) reversing that trend, getting a bit more exercise and definitely eating better, but to keep that going, here's friendly reminder (mostly to myself) that exercise is really good for you!

Healthcare Triage. It's awesome. You should watch it.

Research on lifestyle and its effect on health is often fairly tricky. Nutrition research in particular is fraught with challenges that make a simple interpretation of available evidence very difficult. But exercise has some fairly clear-cut and wide-ranging benefits, for both physical and mental health.

Something the video (and available literature) don't support is the notion that basic exercise causes weight loss - though more extreme body-sculpting regimes may be better on that front. So, while I'm increasing my activity in part because of an increasing waistline, my dietary changes are likely to matter more on that front. The flip side is that even when exercise doesn't lead to weight loss, it still leads to better health. So get some exercise!

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